
ASCII art for your terminal! Fork of DistroTube(Derek Taylor)'s color scripts

View the Project on GitHub charitarthchugh/shell-color-scripts

Shell Color Scripts

Screenshot of shell-color-scripts

Fork of Derek Taylor (DistroTube)’s colorscripts on Gitlab. Included are 50+ beautiful terminal color scripts.

I have removed his PACKAGEBUILD, but theoretically that should work (cannot test, not on Arch Linux).

I have also removed some of the colorscripts that he included to my personal liking and added new ones.



   Usage: colorscript [OPTION] [SCRIPT NAME/INDEX] 
   -h, --help, help        Print this help.  
   -l, --list, list        List all color scripts.  
   -r, --random, random    Run a random color script.  
   -e, --exec, exec        Run a spesific color script by SCRIPT NAME or INDEX.  

For even more fun, add the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc and you will run a random color script each time you open a terminal:

colorscript random


This is essentially a compilation of other people’s work, so here are some credits: